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13 septembre 2006

La minute politique...

...mais en anglais, parce qu'est c'est plus fun. Bon, ok, c'est pas plus fun. Voici un article tiré du Washington Post (c'est ici). Pour les flemmards, voici l'article :

Visiting French Presidential Hopeful Lauds U.S. in Speech


By Glenn Kessler

Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, September 13, 2006; Page A18

French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, the leading presidential candidate for France's ruling conservative party, swept through Washington yesterday, delivering an unabashedly pro-American speech and landing meetings with President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Sarkozy covered many of the bases that French politicians hit when they want to laud the United States, such as mentioning Lafayette's role in the American Revolution and citing the French love of blue jeans, hamburgers and American movies. But then he went beyond those standards, proudly noting that his distinctly pro-American viewpoint had earned him "substantial criticism" in France.

"I'm not a coward," Sarkozy said. "I'm proud of this friendship, and I proclaim it gladly."

Sarkozy's remarks are especially noteworthy because he chose to kick off the campaign season in France by making the U.S. tour, which included honoring the New York City Fire Department in a stop in New York on Sept. 11.

Many other European leaders close to Bush, such as British Prime Minister Tony Blair, have suffered politically. But in some parts of yesterday's speech at the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Sarkozy delivered the kind of rhetoric that would be expected of a Bush administration official, especially on Iran, Israel and counterterrorism, said Jonathan Laurence, visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution. "There is not a whole lot of daylight between Sarkozy and Washington on some key foreign policy issues," he said.

Sarkozy also appeared to attack French President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin for their dramatic confrontation -- what he called "sterile grandiloquence" -- with the Bush administration over Iraq. "It's not appropriate to try and embarrass one's allies or give the impression of gloating over their difficulties," he said.

Sarkozy described the government in Tehran as an "outlaw nation" and said the prospect of it obtaining nuclear weapons would be a "terrifying" development that would "open the way for a murderous arms race in the region." Hinting at military action, he added that "diplomacy must be our main weapon, but we must leave all options open."

While French politicians tend to criticize Israel, Sarkozy said he was close to Israel and supports its right to defend itself against the "aggressor," the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, even as he suggested the response might have been disproportionate.

Sarkozy also noted that despite the breach over Iraq, intelligence cooperation continued between France and the United States because, he said, "we have the same adversaries. Bin Laden targeted New York, but he might just as well have targeted Paris."

Breaking with the administration, Sarkozy delivered a strong plea for action on global warming and rejected the idea of accepting Turkey into the European Union.

Bien. Je ne sais pas ce que vous en pensez, mais notre Ministre de l'Intérieur n'a jamais tenu un discours aussi ferme sur beaucoup de points. Cela dit, je ne connais pas du tout ni ses propos, ni son programme. Mais tout ce discours me semble etre un texte de circonstance, une facon de se faire des amis rapidement quand on en a besoin. Je me trompe peut etre, je ne connais pas le bonhomme.
Mais selon moi, ca merite réflexion...

...justement, si on ne va pas fouiller un peu dans la presse outre-atlantique, ce type d'information ne filtre pas. La chappe pré-électorale s'installe peu a peu dans les medias moderes francais.<br /> je trouve son ''atlantisme'' (tres beau mot) deplace et extremement opportuniste. Autant je peux comprendre la demarche, autant les attaques a distance (''grandiloquence stérile'') ne me semblent pas du meilleur gout. j'ai l'impression d'une ruse (trop visible, vec de trop grosses ficelles) et ca n'est pas ce que j'attends de la personne qui potentiellement sera elue en 2007. Je suis bien contente de pas avoir TF1, tiens, parce que la, ils doivent s'en donner a coeur joie...
Sarko a jamais caché son atlantisme, mais il se faisait discret quand l'écrasante majorité des français était contre la guerre des américains en irak.<br /> <br /> J'avoue que je comprends pas trop sa stratégie, Bush est actuellement en totale perte de vitesse, un rapport du sénat vient de prouver que les preuves pour justifier la guerre étaient bidons... donc à part cirer les pompes aux neo-cons, je vois pas ce qu'il cherche. En même temps il risque pas grand chose, nos "journalistes" sont tellement baveux qu'ils iraient jamais lui demander des comptes sur ce qu'il est allé raconter ailleurs...